Department name

Department of Engineering
for Innovation

Digital Learning Research Ecosystem

DidaLab has been active for more than 20 years in the design of digital tools for enhancing scientific education and in the development of novel approaches to include them in scientific education. Specifically the research activity has been devoted to the development of collaborative virtual and remote labs for engineering education and its inclusion in didactical activities.

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Design and development of remote and virtual laboratories for digital experiments, ddesign and development of MOOCs on scientific topics, design and development of MOOL to involve students in the citizen science project, research and development of new approaches...

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DidaLab is devoted to research activities related to technology enhance learning mainly oriented to STEMs (Science, Technologies, Engineering, Mathematics) topics.The lab develops Open Education Resources...

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Mobile devices and IoT, sensors for measuring physical phenomena, an electronic microscope and a telescope for scientific experiments, lego Mindstorm kits for robotic experiments with students ...

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Aggregatore Risorse


PCTO - Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento
Training courses for Transversal Skills and Orientation for secondary students

 Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni -
73100, Lecce (Italy)
"La Stecca" building - first floor, Campus Ecotekne
 +39 0832 29 9074


Longo Antonella

Coordinator Prof. Eng. Antonella Longo, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Engineering for Innovation, University of Salento

Ecotekne University Campus, "P" Building, First Floor, 73047, Monteroni di Lecce (LE), Italy

Tel. +39 0832 29 9074




Antonella Longo and the research group is author of more than 50 papers about the virtual labs and approaches

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